Saturday, November 3, 2012


It's a good thing the NY marathon has been cancelled in the wake of Hurricane Sandy. It was an insensitive waste of money in the face of all the people who had been deprived of basic services, after all. Someone finally came to their senses.
It's also a good thing because marathons are pathetic spectacles of mass masochism. Can you imagine what it takes to get all those people out there toe to toe, ass to belly, thinking that enduring self-inflicted torture is victory? One tends toward the view that yet another form of brainwashing has infected a substantial body of humanity.
Marathon running is not a sport. It is a form of mass delusion.
Sport in general has some key features that marathon running lacks:
1) strong hand-eye coordination
2) agility in multiple body parts
3) quick reactions to sudden and unexpected situations, setting into play multiple body parts
4) strategy beyond simple endurance
5) teamwork coupled with individual effort
6) multifaceted intellectual and physical skills in the particulars of an ordered discipline

Marathon running is monotonic, duller than snakeshit, lacking in most of the key features noted above.
Why do people do it?

Misery loves company, and we're all too fat.

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Feel free to comment, I know you're out there.

That's what I used to say till all these assholes who are trying to scam me popped up. Die motherfuckers, die.