Friday, July 14, 2023

Some notes on similarities between "far-right" people and Bolsheviks


As much as Fascists, what the so-called “far right” look like most of all are the Bolsheviks. Steve Bannon has compared himself to Lenin, which seems bizarre at first. These people share:

- rigid ideological positions

- justification of the ends over the means

- use of personalized attacks on opponents, demeaning name-calling

- a dehumanizing of their opponents

- a penchant for conspiracy theories

- a proclivity for projection; accusing their opponents of what they are doing or intend to do

- deliberate use of disinformation, trolling, gaslighting, and other forms of deception

- hyperbolic, even apocalyptic descriptions of the threats opponents pose

- attempts to impose minority views on the majority

- essentially undemocratic worldviews

- willingness to incite, tolerate, or use violence

- a cult of the personality

You may be able to add more. Pretty rotten stuff.