Thursday, December 8, 2011


Growing up I had no feel for science. In fact, I was anti-science. We all were, me and the other little hippies, who knew so very little about almost anything. Some of those people still feel that way – they’ve carried an adolescent perspective into their senior years.
            Hey, that could be a good thing - the youth that refuses to die.
            I’m with that rebellion. I will protect my innocent amazement of nature, intact in the face of the mercenary drive for mammon and prestige.
            Which is what science is all about - innocent amazement of nature - and the blowhards who rail against it in favour of airy-fairy lollipops that they find succour in sucking on can go get fucked, hopefully by a horse with a cock that will rip them from asshole to jawbone.
            As for myself, I finally got into the swing of science, saw it as the play that it really is, and became enthralled by the discovery of little bits of knowledge and insight that can be gained through persistent questioning and testing.
            Make no mistake; the pursuit of science is almost exactly the same as the pursuit of art, and its outputs are often equally abstract and at the same time equally necessary, though sometimes much more practical.
            In time, I gained some respect in my field – internationally - in spite of my dissolute younger years, and often got requests to review, or edit, or participate in gatherings, or in many other ways be invited to become an accepted member of the club.
            Yes, there is a club; as there is in all human endeavour. Don’t fucking kid yourself.  
            But there’s a telling piece of the picture that doesn’t fit; though it fits perfectly with a larger view of life that I’ve held since my days of walking to school with my buddies and expressing words too cynical for such a youngster.
            I’m good enough for this and this and this, but I’m not good enough for that…the very thing that I actually need…namely a job in my case...You can insert your own need or dream here if you wish...
            A cruel and unkind exploitation is found everywhere that humans exist.
            This is what we have to live with.

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Feel free to comment, I know you're out there.

That's what I used to say till all these assholes who are trying to scam me popped up. Die motherfuckers, die.