Monday, March 5, 2012

Rumblings in the Madhouse

Continued rumblings in the madhouse...endless farts from assholes filled with fat heads...the babbling of ten thousand pundits and politicians undergoing reverse development...when will it end?
We've gotten past one of a long line of wouldn't do to go too long without creating another one. Now the bugbear is Iran. The war talk is increasing in volume...the flatulence is filling the empty balloons of the airwaves and internet...perhaps they will pop, smearing shit all over the faces of...people who have read and studied much but learned very little...leastwise how to think...less so how to feel.
When will it end?
Enemies are everywhere...we must threaten and throw down a monstrous stone upon the ground to deafen all who would dare to defy, make them cower in fear of our might...
Well, when a defensive regime is threatened by nuclear powers (such as...), a logical response is to develop comparable defenses. The greatest stimulus to Iranian nuclear weapons may be the threat of military action against them.
When will it end?
In the rooms of power the minds narrow so that they look like upright flatfish, eyes pointed in only one direction.
All may not be hopeless...but I am not heartened.

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Feel free to comment, I know you're out there.

That's what I used to say till all these assholes who are trying to scam me popped up. Die motherfuckers, die.