Friday, March 2, 2012

Delusion and Fantasy on the Fringe

Here in Sacramento a group calling themselves The South Africa Project came out with placards, skinheads and tattoos decrying the 'genocide' of whites in South Africa. Why do this at the Capitol in Sacramento, California, USA, is not clear. A segment of the Occupy movement came and engaged in a bit of violence toward the police who were protecting these people. I was moved to write this letter, which was published in the Bee today, March 2.
Re "Two officers injured, three arrested as protesters clash near state Capitol" (Capitol & California, Feb. 28): Lest one take 'the South African Project' seriously, I'd like to affirm that after 8 years living in South Africa I can guarantee that there is no genocide of white South Africans, in any sense. These deluded souls pine for the days of white supremacy and special priviledge, nothing more.
True, South Africans experience considerable violent crime. The vast majority of victims are black.
Also true, the economic purse-strings and bulk of the wealth in South Africa are still in the hands of the white minority - it isn't surprising that those who seek to get something on the quick might target those who have something.
This group's website is sufficient to dissuade oneself of any doubts that they are a racist, anti-semitic, neo-fascist fringe living in a fantasy world, few likely to be South African.
Here we have Republican presidential candidates Rick Santorum and Newt Gingrich to worry about...

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That's what I used to say till all these assholes who are trying to scam me popped up. Die motherfuckers, die.