Pieces of Pride
My little pieces of pride
what’s left of the whole
will see my ass to hell.
I should have left it all
buried it in the trash
the same way I’ve buried
so many other delusions.
I get so het up about the inconsiderate nature
of human interactions.
It’s as rare as diamonds to find someone
who will offer a human response.
They’re busy, they’re busy, they’re busy…
They’re assholes is what they are
and there is no other explanation
for their crude and crass behaviour.
It’s as if they think I’ve never been busy.
The other day I sent a poem to an editor.
I didn’t expect a response
and I didn’t get one.
A couple weeks later I get a knock on the door.
Shit! Who the fuck is that?
I ask myself.
I get up and answer the pestiferous thing.
There’s some wizened little guy with a shaved head standing there
he’s got a little gold earring in his left earlobe
and a Masai stretched plug thing in his right earlobe.
Very unimaginative that
the little shit.
He’s got tattoos smeared across both his arms
and who knows where else.
Doesn’t he realize that he will never experience nudity again?
Who the fuck are you?
I ask.
I’m Nate Miller
Artistic Editor of The Weed & Scratch Review.
Ah, you…I reply.
You’re the guy who doesn’t have the common courtesy
the common decency
the simple respect
the team spirit
the union with fellow
the poor and reviled
such as myself
to spend 30 seconds of your time
on a single line response.
Get the fuck off my porch asshole, I hiss.
But I have something to tell you, he says.
Get off my fucking porch before I fucking put my foot a mile up your asshole!
I lunge out the door at him.
He skedaddles down the steps
sidles across the grass
sidestepping the birdbath.
We want to publish you! he shouts
as he backs off toward his bike.
I don’t hear him though
I’m simply sick of it all.
I say to myself
it’s too early for a beer.
The last little pieces of pride stick
like spikes in my side.
I’ll be a monk yet,
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That's what I used to say till all these assholes who are trying to scam me popped up. Die motherfuckers, die.