Tuesday, January 24, 2012


Newt Gingrich.



Newt…look closely at him. If you can…
Is it really possible that the American people would elect someone like The Newt to be president of the country? How could that be a possibility? I fall into a Salvador Dali –like disjoint when I try to answer those questions. The watch is melting, the eyes are dripping.
            Yet there he is.
            GWB was re-elected.
            What’s really frightening is that they’ve wheeled out a bunch of other 100% pure self-righteous phony religious money-grubbing mealy-mouthed arrogant assholes who could all take the Newt’s place in peeling back any gains toward a more compassionate and empathetic world.
            It’s all in the name of AMERICA. They are the true ‘Americans’, these people. They have the unique, monolithic insight into the soul of ‘America’ that empowers upon them the ‘right’ to not only define the meaning of ‘America’ for the rest of us, but to speak for us as if we had no power to speak for ourselves.
            Not in my name, assholes. You don’t know me, and you don’t know ‘America’.
            You don’t know that railing against ‘the government’ taking away your freedoms rings pretty hollow, when you argue that it’s better that corporations take away all our freedoms. (I’ve filled out job applications for a number of corporations recently. The questionnaires to Rorschach test you for your docile and compliant preferences are psychedelically Nazi.).
            You don’t know that when Newt says that what we do to our ‘enemies’ is to KILL them, he means more than just al-Qaeda, or the Taliban, or all the other bugaboos that we need to be perpetually ready to beat off with a stick. He actually means some of us; those other people who also consider themselves ‘Americans’ but don’t seem to conform to your little vision of what encompasses a good life.
            Define ‘enemies’.
            You don’t know that ‘god’ has nothing to do with it. A country is a collage of diverse facets and shades. You don’t know what god is. You don’t know that there are other religions besides Christianity. You don’t even know what Jesus’ message was.
            You don’t know what ‘freedom’ is. You wouldn’t know a free moment if it slapped you upside the head, you fools. ‘Freedom’ for you is to tell the people to feed at the hand of the master who provides them with a paycheck, however paltry. ‘Freedom’ for you, is to feed at that hand. ‘Freedom’ for you is a box without any furniture to bump into.

            If that’s what you want, fine.
            For all of you; from the tea party to the congress, from the caucuses to the CEO’s, from the barstools of Bakersfield to the sewing clubs of South Carolina:

            find yourself another country to be part of. (Phil Ochs)
            It’s not 1776 anymore folks. The dinosaurs died, and dredging up the fossils is only interesting from an historical point of view.
            Newt might know this, being an historian, but that has nothing to do with his goals.
            What makes it worse is that Obama has been such a disappointment – that’s tough.
            What time is it?
            It’s time for beer.      

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That's what I used to say till all these assholes who are trying to scam me popped up. Die motherfuckers, die.