Don't be scared of Trump. Be scared of 'the people'. There are a whole lot of obnoxious arseholes in the US; bigoted people, narrow minded people, people who can't think critically. Shoot first, ask questions later people. People who lack magnanimity, empathy, or even curiosity. They ask no questions about matters of justice or equality. They are not interested in anyone other than themselves. US vs THEM kind of people. People who revel in their ignorance, and wear it as a badge of honor.
Be scared of the education system that spawned them.
Around the world people have generally scorned the American government and its policies; but claim to like and admire the American people. Much of that affection must have dwindled when G. W. Bush was re-elected in spite of what everyone knew about the invasion of Iraq. The responsibility at some point has to come back to the people; the gothic burden of a substantial proportion of the American people that weighs around the neck of aspirations to become a positive player at home and around the world.
Don't be scared of Trump. He can't do most of things he says he will (nor could Bernie Sanders do what he said he would). Be scared of 'the people'.