Monday, February 24, 2025



The existence of prophets is evidence of the nonexistence of God

if the word of God always comes second hand, then God is a coward

and that does not compute


for all of the prophets to be liars is not a hard thing to add up, however

Tuesday, June 25, 2024



I must confess

I’ve pretty much had it with a lifetime of Jesus Christ

or even an evening


it does seem like he was a nice guy

an admirable guy


until he got all preachy


he and his buddies (the vanguard)

put on a pretty good show

and later the professionals really took it to the next levels


people really seem to go for that kind of shit

where things that are impossible are made to seem possible


and then there’s the trail of tears

Friday, July 14, 2023

Some notes on similarities between "far-right" people and Bolsheviks


As much as Fascists, what the so-called “far right” look like most of all are the Bolsheviks. Steve Bannon has compared himself to Lenin, which seems bizarre at first. These people share:

- rigid ideological positions

- justification of the ends over the means

- use of personalized attacks on opponents, demeaning name-calling

- a dehumanizing of their opponents

- a penchant for conspiracy theories

- a proclivity for projection; accusing their opponents of what they are doing or intend to do

- deliberate use of disinformation, trolling, gaslighting, and other forms of deception

- hyperbolic, even apocalyptic descriptions of the threats opponents pose

- attempts to impose minority views on the majority

- essentially undemocratic worldviews

- willingness to incite, tolerate, or use violence

- a cult of the personality

You may be able to add more. Pretty rotten stuff.

Tuesday, May 25, 2021


A fundamental thing

about this political project

- I will not put a name to it


is the flamboyant lifestyles

it’s driving influencers are all addicted to



is saying

I can do whatever I want to do!


Greedy, narcissistic bastards


Of course, we all want to do whatever we want to do

everyone loves complete freedom

for however long

but they’re the only ones that really benefit from this project


for however long

Sunday, April 11, 2021


Endless bickering

like children

fighting over toys


The human race doesn’t look good

not now

when all the signs point to cooperation

and there is little of that to be found


Fool that I am

I still hope

Sunday, September 2, 2018

Fake President

Hey Donnyboy! FAKE PRESIDENT, FAKE PRESIDENT...fake wealth…FAKE PRESIDENT…fake principles…FAKE PRESIDENT…fake religion…FAKE PRESIDENT…fake deal-maker…FAKE PRESIDENT…fake smarts…FAKE PRESIDENT…fake respect for the Constitution…FAKE PRESIDENT…fake care for working people…FAKE PRESIDENT…fake compassion for the dead…FAKE PRESIDENT…fake care for vets…FAKE PRESIDENT…fake patriotism…FAKE PRESIDENT…fake tan…FAKE PRESIDENT…immigrant fake wife…FAKE PRESIDENT…robot fake children…FAKE PRESIDENT, FAKE PRESIDENT>>>>LITTLE, LITTLE MAN>>>>REAL CON MAN>>>REAL SCUMBAG

Thursday, June 14, 2018

Message to Trump

Message sent to Trump via The White House email function (either interns will delete or the Secret Service will knock on my door):
Hey Donnyboy! Excuse the coarseness, but it’s how I feel, and it’s the kind of expression you inspire. Here’s the truth: you are a scumbag. You are a walking shit-stain. You have squatted over America and you are crapping all over this beautiful country. The majority of Americans do not support you or your abhorrent “policies”.  You do not represent America, and you don’t even try to. You stroke your own perverted ego by working up your “base” and play bully playground games in things that impact many good people in many negative ways. You are surely one of the most profoundly ignorant men who has ever walked the planet.

YOU ARE NOT HELPING AMERICA! Any good American is pained, deeply, by your crapulous presence in aa place you clearly do not belong, an office you have polluted with your vile excretions. Lucky for us all your time is short, but you have already done so much damage. It’s not wholly clear who you are working for; but make no mistake: you are clearly NOT working for America and the American people.